Maker Skills and Attitude:
What did i learn?
At my CMD education I have worked with Arduino before. It was just a matter of refreshing my knowledge and then getting to work with electronics.
After a morning of refreshing things went very easy so we (Asle and I) could connect some extra electronics to help the rest of the class with the code.
This week was a little less instructive for me. Still I got to know some new electronics in both the code and the breadboard.
Collaborative Learning:
This week I worked with Asle. Asle is someone who picks up things quickly and while I had the experience he took partial charge. I think that's a good thing for someone who has never worked with this software before. So I was able to support him in code and technique while he outlined the lines. I liked this way of working as I always take the lead myself. I have to be careful that I don't get lazy when someone else sets the lines.
Electronics & Open Design
- Name and image of component
- Data sheet and link to a supplier
Vibration motor:
Datasheet: link
To be bought: link
Tilt sensor:
Datasheet: link
To be bought: link
- Links to libraries needed
We didn't import any other libraries than the "Arduino libraries Ubi 1819-library" that we had in advance.
- Schematic of the working circuit
- Links tot tutorials used
Code used is made for the KY-002. Vibration sensor taken from: link
- Working, annotated Arduino code for this component
download code: link
- Gifs of the working components and output in serial monitor
- Common use case as well as less common use case that interests you
We imagined both the tilt sensor and the vibration motor to be used on professional barista milk jugs. It's hard to get out the last bit of the milk foam, but with the vibrator starting when you tilt the jug, the vibrations will 'loosen' the last milk foam minimizing waste.
There are more normal uses for these components though. The vibration motor is found in mobile phones to make them vibrate when a text or an incoming call is received. The tilt sensor can be found in bilge pumps that are used in e.g. woorden boats or flooted basements making them pump when the water rises etc.
- Problems encountered, solutions found
We actually began with different components, the vibration sensor and the solenoid component. Then we made a circuit with just the vibration sensor but it was not possible to upload the code. It said "error: espcom-m-upload-mem failed" and even Kaj wasn't able of changing it. What worked was restarting the computer and replacing the NodeMCU 9.0 ( ESP-12 Module) which we also found out was dead.
Then we tested the vibration sensors with code found on the web but found out a cord on the vibration sensor was broken which could explain why that one didn't work. We then tried another one but didn't measure any respons which made us replace it with the tilt component that then did work with the same code.
We had an LED attached as well to see if it would react to the vibration sensor/tilt sensor. When this one worked we simply changed it with to the vibration motor without further tweaks. We then changed the "HIGH/LOW" settings to the opposite so the vibration motor would be on when the tilt sensor was activated.
- We have an extra feature for you!
Mr. RC M-1502 Standard Servo: An actuator with a rotating arm.
- Working, annotated Arduino code for this component
Download code: link
- How it is supposed to look like
Vibration motor:
Tilt sensor:
Feedback given to Duy:
Duy's code worked perfectly. I even used sentence code for next week's processing assignment. The structure to connect all elements was right and with the Arduino code I could easily get the Servo motor running.
The feedback received from Duy:
Your Fritzing document is incomplete. It says that a pin should be sent to the D2 but it is if all goes well the D1. The code is complete. It is that I have a little experience with Arduino otherwise it would not have worked.
Edit 01-04-2019: Fritzing has been changed and everything works.
You can download my files on dropbox!
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